The skin is the largest organ in our bodies. It is the first line of protection from environmental hazards and helps us sense the world around us. Nerve sensors in the skin sense pressure, heat, cold, and pain. It is also one of the first things people notice when meeting someone. Proper skin care is critical to maintaining the health and vitality of this protective organ.
Skin problems are common for people of all ages. From acne in our teens to wrinkles later in life, any number of things can go wrong with our skin. Fortunately, we can compound many different products for the skin. Our anti-aging products are great to revitalize the skin and restore its youthful luster. Our lakeside specialty cream treats bedsores and Talley’s Summer Gel is perfect to treat poison ivy and other itchy, inflamed skin conditions. We also compound acne and skin-lightening creams.
Whether it’s a cosmetic or medical need, we can help! Please call one of our knowledgeable pharmacists for any questions you may have on how compounding can help your skin!